Mischa Heemskerk prolongs World title at North American Championship 2019

Mischa Heemskerk has prolonged his championship title at the North American Championship 2019! In six exciting races on the waters near St. Petersburg in Florida-USA, he managed to stay ahead of the other participants in the foiling A-class and thus seal his championship title again. The other members of the DNA team also achieved top results: Bruce Mahoney came second and Michael Modlhammer fourth.
DNA Performance Sailing is very proud of the achievements of the foiling A-cat team and of the golden achievements of Mischa Heemskerk in particular. Mischa is also nominated for the Conny van Rietschoten Prize of the Dutch Watersports Association. The winner will be announced during the special gala evening on Tuesday 5 November 2019.
See all results of the North American Championship 2019
© Photos: Yachtclub Saint Petersburg, Florida-USA